Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lets Begin!

Nathan and I have been hard at work for 2 years now, designing, planning, and bringing to life construction of our new home. And now it is time to start! This is our house as it was before we began. Right now Nathan and I share the front room on the right of the steps. We have 11 or so lovely housemates whom I will have to add pictures of later.

First things FIRST! Save the roses! Nathan dug it up, spit it into 3 and now we can start. Lets just hope they don't die! The poor thing was looking a bit dry and weary this morning...

Next: Tear up the old deck! Thank God that Aaron and Shauna were here to help. :) They were wonderful. Did I mention I wasn't much help??? I have had a pinched saitic nerve in my back for two weeks. UGH!!! Finally the pain is going away though thanks to Nathan's excellent massages and some really good muscle relaxers.

Laying out chalk lines with Victor and Will. These guys are awesome!


Delna said...

SO Exciting!! It's very cool to see this prayer answered. I'm sorry we missed you guys last Thursday. I hope to make it out this Thursday, but I'm not sure yet... Thursdays are hard.

Stina said...

So fun! Enjoy playing in the dirt :)